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We're glad you've decided to visit www.tributek.com, an electronic publisher.
www.tributek.com P.O. Box 8025 Elburn IL 60119 USA info@tributek.com
The concept of electronic publishing may be new to you, but if you think a little bit about it, it's a fantastic idea.
You pick out what you like, pay for it with a major credit card or PayPal via a secure transaction, and you download your purchase, all in a single visit to the on-line store (folks in Illinois will render unto Springfield what is Springfield's, in the form of an additonal 8.00% sales tax). Please see our privacy policy for more information on secure ordering. A link will apear on your order confirmation page giving you acess to the files you have purchased.
If your download does not work you can re-initiate download from the link in your confirmation email. If all else fails, e-mail us and we will send you the file in a return e-mail (allow up to 24 hours for e-mail response).
As an electronic publisher, www.tributek.com is able to offer quality works by authors who otherwise might not be able to publish, at prices that are unheard of for paper-based works. How? It's simple. The costs of publishing electronically are dramatically lower than the costs of printing on paper. As an electronic publisher, we don't have to be as concerned about the size of the market for the works we supply, because we don't have the kind of production costs and warehousing costs that a traditional publisher has. And you get interesting works that are a true value for your dollar.
We have chosen to distribute our works as open PDF files or ZIP archives. PDF stands for Portable Document Format, a cross-platform basis for transporting documents without the usual problems with formatting to fit different printers and screens. To read a PDF file, you need a free piece of software called Acrobat(r) Reader, which you can download directly from the Adobe(r) web site. It is available for most operating systems. To obtain the software, just click on this link:

On most computers it is self-installing.
Why do we use open PDFs, not secure files? Well, we don't want to burden our customers with encryption keys or passwords to use the stuff they have bought from us. We know this opens us up for abuse, but we believe if we keep the prices low and appeal to people's honesty, we'll be OK. If people steal from us, that's their problem-- we'll be the ones sleeping soundly.
Because our assumption is when you download a file from us, you are getting what you paid for, we have a "no-refunds" policy. You are welcome to argue that you should be exempted from this policy via e-mail, but because no refunds is the policy, please be sure that you are buying what you want before you go through checkout. We are actually fairly liberal about granting exceptions to this policy.
All of our files are thoroughly vetted by a major name-brand fully-updated virus killer before we offer them for download. If you should find a virus lurking in anything you download here, we will cheerfully provide a replacement file, and we also want to know about it as soon as possible, to head off any problems for any of our other customers. We also suggest that you obtain and use full-feature virus protection, especially on downloads. You wash your hands before you eat, don't you?
The licensing agreement terms for our works are spelled out in each of the documents individually. By downloading them you agree to be bound by them. Basically, we offer you the same rights and restrictions as if you had bought published material on paper.
For books, etc., you have the right to keep one electronic/paper copy for yourself. If you give it as a gift or sell it, you no longer have that right. Only one electronic/paper copy can exist at any one time. If you want another copy, come back and buy one. If you really and truly can't afford it, send an e-mail detailing your situation, and we'll probably e-mail it to you free if our contract with the author allows us to.
For sheet music, the licensing terms are slightly more complex. Generally, the purchaser is granted rights to copy the score and/or parts as required to cover the group who will rehearse/perform the work. The work may be performed as often as the purchaser desires, but not for profit, and not for recording. If the work is to be performed for profit or if you desire to record it, e-mail or write us for royalty arrangements. Generally, small distribution recordings do not require royalty fees-- see our notice on this in the end-text of each item's page. The purchaser is allowed to give the work as a gift or sell it, but the purchaser then gives up all rights to rehearse or perform the work (or to give or sell it again, obviously).
Basically, think of our PDF files as paper, and you understand our basic licensing terms. If any terms vary for any works we offer, the terms will be spelled out in plain English in the document, and if the variance is significant, we will mention it in the description page for the item.
Two simple principles guide us as we decide what to publish. First is quality, and second is decency. We want you to be surprised at the value we offer here, so we strive to produce works of the highest quality. On the decency front, you won't find any works here that you would not be willing to let any member of your family see, regardless of their age. If you have something you'd like to see published, and you can live within our guidelines, send us a copy (or an abstract) and we'll consider it. Who knows? You could be the next "Great American (or wherever you are from) Author/Composer/Poet/Artist."
If you have any questions or comments at all, please contact us. We want you to be pleased with our products and service.
God Bless!
Visit our hard goods division at
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A customer commented: "This was a first for me: downloading a book instead of buying it in paper form. The cost of the book in this format was less than many firms charge for shipping an item. I had not a single glitch and I would buy another book in this format with no reservations. Tributek did a good job."
Another customer commented: "I would like to compliment you on the ease of purchasing music on-line. I require the music for a wedding in a couple of weeks, and didn't want to wait for music to be sent in the mail. It was great to be able to hear the music and to know the length of the PDF file and performance time."
Another customer writes: "I bought some choral music off your site. It's great. I hope we can do all of it in our church. I don't know how you can sell it so cheap. It's a great service you offer."
NOTE: All www.tributek.com customers are given the opportunity to rate our service, value, and quality, and 98% of www.tributek.com customers who have ever returned satisfaction surveys rate their overall experience doing business with us as "excellent" (71%) or "good" (27%). You can't please all of the people all of the time, but we do try very hard.
www.tributek.com - PO Box 8025 - Elburn IL 60119 USA
Visit our hard goods division at www.tributek.biz
Copyright (c)1999-2014 www.tributek.com
All rights to all text, sounds, and graphics are reserved.